Black Boys And Their Mothers


Black Boys And Their Mothers


Black boys and their moms are like soil and roots,
candy and wrappers,
love and pain.
They go together.
They push each other.
And there is no denying that a boy needs his father.
But there is no denying that if anyone understands the weight
a black boy carries becoming a man,
it's a black mother.
Her heart is his.
His eyes are hers.
She is the wing to the bird.
She is the ear to the heard.
Black mothers are over-comers.
For they loved before anyone else loved what the world was told to hate.
Black mothers have mother’d all.
And we are their black sons.
Born from the glory of storms, mothers.
Born from the heart of beauty, mothers.
Born to protect our mothers.
Black boys and their mothers are history makers.
Rainbows and rain.
Mangos and red pepper.
Sweat and backs.
Music and hearts.
They go together.

Royce Lovett



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