The Emotions Came Back


The Emotions Came Back


The emotions came back. I’m shivering with fear, rage, and fleeting bad intentions. My stomach is turning.

I saw a killer today. His eyes were cold, his stance was unwavering, immovable. He perched like a gargoyle on this human temple, it’s talons draining the life from this precious edifice. 

“Don’t do drugs kids.” He said it straight to our collective face. Don’t make mistakes, because your life may be the one I take. You’re right, that’s exactly how this makes me feel. I’ve got to be perfect. Something awful and traumatizing for those watching to see, was his utter disregard for an imperfect man’s humanity.

The abuser disregards his own humanity when he fails to sympathize with the abused. In a vacuum, if you put yourself in his shoes: Would you want to taste the ground as your last meal? Would you want to eat it with you hands behind your back? How about with 180lbs across your throat? I hope your answer is “no.”

The pride of ANY privilege and the pride of life is sickening to see stand side by side. My heart breaks as my hands shake, I’m awake and I’m afraid.

Bobby Alexandre



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