


"I still remember a real sense of Gods presence with us in the room as we were finishing up the chorus of Adore, and thinking to myself: 'if this song goes nowhere else other than here and now, it has ministered to my soul.'

I'd been working on the idea for a while. I didn't want to rush it or force it as I felt there may be something special on it. I didn't start out with a plan to write a Christmas song - it just sort of happened that the verse lyric came out that way and, even when I tried to steer it away, it always came back. So I decided to go with the flow and write a song that would take us to the stable where Jesus was born so that we could join in worshipping with the angels.

My good friend Andy Piercy called and asked if I'd be up for writing with Graham Kendrick, who was in Charleston for a few days. After a few minutes of getting to know each other, and a short prayer time, I shared Adore, as it was at that point. After a few short minutes together we had rewritten and simplified the chorus. The song fell into place and we both worshipped as we were writing. It was a special time.

There was no way to know that the song would travel from that living room in Charleston and be heard by millions of people around the world." (Martin Chalk)

Written by Martin Chalk (BMI), Graham Kendrick (PRS)
© 2015 Common Hymnal Digital (BMI), Worship Together Music (BMI), sixsteps Songs (BMI), S.D.G. Publishing (BMI), Common Hymnal Publishing (ASCAP), Songs (ASCAP), sixsteps Music (ASCAP), Vamos Publishing (ASCAP) (admin by CCLI 7050417. 

You stepped down from heaven, humbly you came
God of all creation here with us
In a starlit manger, Emmanuel
Light of the world here to save 

Adore, come let us adore
O come let us adore him
The Lord, worship Christ the Lord
Let all that is within us adore 

Wise men bring their treasure
Shepherds bow low
Angel voices sing of peace on earth
What have I to offer
To heavens king
I'll bring my love, my life, my all 

Angels sing, praises ring to the new born king
Peace on earth, here with us, joy awakening
At his feet we fall

ChristmasCommon Hymnal