Honoring A Life Source


Honoring A Life Source


In Exodus 20:2 we read: ‘Honor your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.’ 

Not all of our parents where ‘model parents’, and many of us have spent years recovering from their brokenness. Still, there is a debt of honor that we owe them. We are alive because of them.

A similar logic could and should be applied to all of the life sources we have have encountered on our journey thus far - people who have opened doors of opportunity for us, people who have made extremely consequential introductions that have literally transformed our careers and life experience, people who have brought life to us and helped us find or place in this world.

Just like with our physical parents, these life sources are not perfect, but they have played extremely important roles in our lives. We are finding our way because of their invaluable influence.

Here is a listing of a few things that happen when we honor those that have been sources of life to us. (And, by the way, this can include blessing these ‘life sources’ financially in the culture of Jesus, who encouraged that we apply our treasure to our heart priorities.)

(1) Our consciences are tenderized - a vital ingredient to longevity. The numbing of the conscience is described in the New Testament as the precursor to shipwreck.

(2) We breathe life into the subcultures in which we exist by setting off the dominoes of panorama and generosity and kindliness.

(3) We find an inner dignity that only comes from gratitude and honesty and accuracy.

(4) And, as the 5th Commandment says - we will find ongoing life and and vitality and meaning and fruitfulness.

Malcolm du Plessis



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