Book A Pop-Up Band

Common Hymnal started out as a content creator, with a vision to build a well-stocked library of forward-facing content from the spiritual underground. Hence the name. We did not have live performances and events in mind.

Each of our contributors have invested deeply in the work, sacrificing both money and time. We avoided leveraging celebrity and instantly-accessible, fiercely-popular and ‘lyrically-safe’ contemporary worship for quick results. We set our sights on integrity in the forging of a new path, a hard path - dare we say, a prophetic path.

When we began, we were 100% focused on finding gifted songwriters from the margins who were writing non-cliched songs. It was a surprise to all of us when we looked up and noticed that we had some really gifted performers in the ecosystem. When we started getting invites to put together pop-up bands for movement events, we found ourselves in a quandary because we could not ask our people to sacrifice any more for something that was not in the original plan. If we were going to ask our contributors to travel out, we wanted it to be good for them and their families.

Therefore, when people ask us to build a custom team for their event, but do not have the financial resources to make it work financially or artistically, we recommend exploring other options rather than doing something poorly. Maybe we send in one or two people with a keyboard and/or guitar for a more intimate event? Maybe we help build a repertoire for the local musicians to execute? Maybe we give the invitor gratis permission to use our recordings and videos?

If we decide to move forward with an engagement, we will ask the following:
(1) $500 per team member per performance day and $250 per team member per travel/rehearsal day,
(2) reimbursement for ground transportation or parking costs for each person at the originating airport,
(3) reimbursement for air travel, including one checked in bag and a prebooked seat for each person ,
(4) reimbursement for ground transportation and parking for each person in the destination city,
(5) single room hotel accommodations for each person in the destination city,
(6) $25 per diem per person per meal while away from home, including travel,
(7) an additional 10% of the whole package as a management fee for Common Hymnal.

We can put together a convincing team with as few as four people with piano, acoustic guitar and tracks. However, we will always ask to bring in a road manager and sound engineer to ensure a quality experience.

Click here to see our rider.

If you would like to book a team, please email and we will send you a more specific quote. If you have any questions regarding the costs involved in bringing us to your event, please do not hesitate to reach out.